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Retrieving Dynamic Data from Google Sheets and Other Tools


Hello! Is there any way to retrieve dynamic data from other tools like a Google Doc Sheet?

  • Avatar of Pylon

    Hi! This is Shahar from the Replo Team. Currently, Replo supports the following types of metafields: Single line text ,Multi-line text, Number (decimal and integer), Color, URL, File Reference, (This includes Image and Video files) and Rich Text which you can use as dynamic data. More details here:

  • Avatar of Noah Gilmore
    Noah Gilmore

    Just wondering, what’s the use case for grabbing data from Google docs? Anything metafields doesn’t support?

  • Avatar of Kevin Conti
    Kevin Conti

    To display price with discount code applied on the landing pages and to easily change CTA urls without going through each one of our landing pages

  • Avatar of Noah Gilmore
    Noah Gilmore

    Gotcha, have you tried using Shopify product metafields for this? Natively supported by Replo, and there are some other Shopify apps which let you edit them in a spreadsheet-style interface