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How to Add Visual Feedback for Add to Cart Button in E-commerce


Does anyone know how to add a visual popup when a product is added to cart via the ATC button? Right now, the options for me are either to redirect the customer to cart, or to have the product added, but with no visual feedback.

  • Avatar of Replo Support
    Replo Support

    Hi Joe, Leo here from the Replo team.Having a pop-up or message that triggers after a product is added to the cart involves custom coding. At the moment, it is not possible in Replo. You can use the HTML/Liquid Component for that. Please refer to this article:

  • Avatar of Liam

    the above is actually possible Joe Sasson you just need to set an interaction to open a popup when ATC is pressed we use this for upsells after a product is added to cart you can then config the buttons on the upsell to take the user to checkout or close popup and open cart drawer when accepted

  • Avatar of Joe Sasson
    Joe Sasson

    I meant to ask if there is a way to have a confirmation message appear that confirms that the customer added the product to carty

  • Avatar of Liam

    yeah you can set up a popup to do that using the above instructions or set a state for the ATC button text to say 'added'

  • Avatar of Replo Support
    Replo Support

    Hi! This is Shahar from the Replo Team. Currently, we do not have that dedicated product condition but you can use the "Loading" state on the add to cart button which you can rename it as "Adding the product to cart...". Then, you can use a "Run Javascript" interaction to add the trigger code for your theme or 3rd party app slide-out cart, that can let the customer know that the product has been added to the cart. More details here:: [https:://](