hey all - is there a way to pull a variant value into a Custom Line Item Property and have it update on change?
Hi there, Ahmed here from Replo team.This will require custom code. You can refer to this guide on custom development with Replo and share it with your developer: https://support.replo.app/articles/1799213363-custom-development-with-replo
I am the developer, but I can’t find anything on pulling the price or variant variables through
how can you pull through variant variables to a custom code block?
what do you mean by the variant variable? do you mean the variant title?
No, the customer has the option to choose a Size and Colour, how can I get the selected Size value and pass it into a Custom Line Item Property? It’s required for calculating shipping
you can get the variant ID from the "data-variant-id" and then you can use MutationObserver to listen for the changes on and then update it on the custom line property. please check the standardized attributes for more details: https://support.replo.app/articles/1799213363-custom-development-with-replo#standardized-attributes-6