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How to Add Text or CTA Buttons to Carousel Slideshows


Silly question here but can't figure it out. Does anyone know how to put text or a CTA button on top of an automatic carousel slideshow?

  • Avatar of Noah Gilmore
    Noah Gilmore

    I think you should just be able to move it above, in a different container. has some more info on how to arrange things in containers

  • Avatar of Steve Schlaefer
    Steve Schlaefer

    Jaden Brodeur do you have an example of this type of functionality in the wild? I can think of a few different ways to interpret your question so want to make sure I get it right. My first order idea would be to add a Text Component into he layers tree as a direct subcomponent of the "Carousel" component (Not the "Slides" or "Indicators" component), and then use Relative To Container Positioning to set that text in the middle or some other placement ON TOP of the Carousel. Hopefully that helps?