Hello! Looking for some help, when you have a bottom sticky bar with the purchase price and buy button, how do you link the price to dynamically change depending on if they have selected one time purchase or subscription with the recharge plugin?
Hi there, Ahmed here from Replo team.In the sticky bar make sure you're using the product component to access the dynamic data of the product like the price, and move everything inside it like the add to cart and the price and the selling plan component in you're using it. then set the price to dynamic data > selected variant > and choose the price (display price for example). in the add to cart interaction make sure that the selling plan is set to dynamic data > selected selling plan: https://share.cleanshot.com/fbvLwvYZyou can check this docs for more details on dynamic data: https://support.replo.app/articles/1713115597-dynamic-dataand this docs for the product component: https://support.replo.app/articles/1719597879-shopify-product-componentsand this docs for the subscriptions selling plans component: https://support.replo.app/articles/1716416054-subscriptions-and-selling-plans
Hey Ahmed, thanks for getting back to me and sharing that info. When I go through these steps there only seems to be the name from the selected selling plan available not the cost. Please can you advise?
you need to choose the "selected variant" instead of the "selected selling plan" and you will find the price there.
Okay it then allows me to select a bunch of options but none seem to be what I'm looking for. What would the option be titled that would change dynamically depending on which plan is selected? If that makes sense?
The result I'm looking to achieve is that when a user selects either subscribe or one off payment that price would then dynamically change. How is this function linked to recharge?
please watch this loom video: https://www.loom.com/share/3c7d030cd7954d5dbdb768c18bd27790
Thank you for recording and sharing that Ahmed is it possible to show me an example with the recharge subscription plug in. I might not be understanding correctly but it seems to be a slightly different set up
Could you please contact us via live chat so I can take a look at the page?
Hey AlexI noticed that you're using the recharge component instead of the selling plan component. I have recorded this loom: https://www.loom.com/share/c51521a9e8df4d92b9d91d81ef390f94
Sorry for the delay I didn't receive any notification you'd responded. Yes that's correct, though
No worries, You can follow the Loom video above. So instead of using the recharge component, use the Selling plan component and you can design it to your liking and it will work with the dynamic price so when you change the selling plan it will update the price.you can refer to this guide for more details: https://support.replo.app/articles/1716416054-subscriptions-and-selling-plans
Hey Alex Pollard if you mean that the price on the bottom sticky bar should change based on the option selected in your buy box, then you might have to use a product component as your main container for the whole page. That way, itβs all connected
Thank you for sharing the link however please can you share one that is connected to copy outside of the tabs block and when a plan is selected changes prices in all the locations it appears on the page? or is this not the case and we need to look for another platform
Got it, you will need to use custom states to achieve this, Let me record a quick loom for you!
Hi Ahmed, that's perfect thank you! I'll look to implement that today. I really appreciate your help with this!
You're welcome. Feel free to reach out here or via the live chat if you have any questions or need further assistance!
Is there a way to add a white background to the sticky banner and bring it to the front so it overlays the content making it more legible as you scroll down the page?
yes, select the sticky container > design > scroll down to Background > and set the background color
Hi Ahmed sorry for the delay in getting back to you. That's worked now the page has been refreshed thanks again for the help
No worries. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or need further assistance!